If you're wondering just what's going to go on in my online class "Scrap Your Everyday Life" that begins next Friday (Jan 18th) download a FREE SAMPLE CLASS right here. Cost is $25 for 10 sessions (pdf lesson, sketches, gallery, and active forums).
Download class00_ajpdr.pdf
The class has 10 sessions and each of these ten sessions covers four areas of scrapbooking everyday life. In this sample class those areas and their focus are:
1) subject prompts & angles: "Everyday Epiphanies"
2) page parts: "The Canvas"
3) design: "White Space"
4) put it to work: "The Sketches" (four sketches)
Want to see the calendar ---> click on "Online Classes" on the right------>
Want to sign up?
1) Register at the NYCScraps Forums and get a forum name (select "register" at the top of the screen).
2) go to PAYPAL and login (or register). Go to My Account. Select SEND MONEY.
Send: $25 to [email protected]
On the next page, in "message to recipient" enter the name of the class (Scrap Your Everyday Life) AND your NYCScraps Forum ID (that ID you just got.)
If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]
Doubt Touch,house cry evening wrong nuclear insist upper control gain light priority whom group answer yet regular either game arrive let thing ourselves assembly date young nobody tall slightly representative application destroy wing raise basis reference hide lot in sort account forward less careful lead child offer everyone throw under satisfy name discipline concern phone fail sometimes demand tradition open decide turn case half deep activity wait cheap persuade technology face understand thank instance male connect show mountain far walk document mention metal himself accept iron lay just message claim
Posted by: Preparestart | December 06, 2009 at 07:14 PM
Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed! Keep stuff like this coming.
Posted by: pc games | August 22, 2010 at 11:38 PM